En cualquier caso, aprovecho estos momentos para escribir finalmente. Titulo este canto Doom por una sencilla razón: esta semana he estado escuchado doom metal (algunos grupos que ya conocía, como My Dying Bride y Anathema y también otros nuevos, como Shape of Despair, Novembres Doom...), y me gustaría que en el futuro quedase constancia de ello. No sé, una especie de manera de usar Soul's Anthem como diario de lo que ocurre en mi vida. En cualquier caso, es gracioso que el anterior canto se llame Oblivion. Decidí llamarlo así porque el poema de Ohiane (u OHIANE, como prefiera) hablaba del olvido, pero digo que es gracioso porque una de las canciones más conocidas de Anathema se llama, de hecho, Restless Oblivion, de su disco The Silent Enigma (de su primera época de death doom). Su estribillo, muy famoso (ya me entendéis), es el siguiente:
A bleak garden to cry
when my inamorato die.
when my inamorato die.
El grito desgarrado es muy emotivo. Dentro del doom hay letras francamente memorables, la mayoría de ellas dentro de la línea triste/oscura/deprimente (por algo se llama "doom metal"). Otra frase de Anathema que adoro es:
There is no song...just the delusion of silence
La cual tal vez hayáis notado que he puesto dentro de la parte de citas (parte que por cierto he de arreglar. Y quitar a Santa Cthulhu, de paso).
Para acabar, os dejo tres (sí, tres) canciones de My Dying. La primera, "Wreckage of my flesh", de su penúltimo disco, "Songs of Darkness, Words of Light", es una de mis canciones favoritas del género. La letra es deprimente a más no poder; el protagonista se considera lo peor de lo peor.
"Wreckage of my flesh", by My Dying Bride
Loathsome I've become.
Acreature so undome.
Wretched and broken.
Cannot find my faith.
Any God will do.
Nothing said is new
Nothing said is true.
Fly away my hope.
The embrace of shade holds me dear.
Eats me away.
Loose the dogs of disgrace upon me.
Ihave no faith.
Raise the poor outcast I have become.
I am undone.
Calm is the air. Still is the sea.
The valley of death keeps calling me.
Rest my eyes from the world.
This dying place, it's so absurd.
Oh, Christ above, whom I love.
Lost to me. My snow white dove.
Make this day like the night.
Song of darkness. Words of light.
Pulling down my heart.
I won't forget my lovers heart.
With utter loathing and scorn,
I was somehow born.
Strewn in black decay.
None shall I obey.
The wreckage of my flesh.
The nakedness of my death.
Una curiosidad sobre el título del cd: en una entrevist a Aaron, el cantante y compositor, le preguntaron que sí, que veían las "Songs of Darkness", pero que dónde se habían metido las "Words of light". Respondió: "es un engaño. Intenta dar esperanzas de encontrar palabras de luz, pero no las hay.". O algo parecido; la podéis encontrar en www.metalstorm.ee , si mal no recuerdo.
La segunda, "The Blue Lotus" (del mismo cd), es bastante distinta. Trata sobre un caballero que ha oído la leyendo del Loto Azul, una bella doncella en un castillo...leedla, el final es muy bueno. Genial.
"The Blue Lotus" by My Dying Bride
Under the darkened, Ancient oak
Gentle in the nights breeze
I stop and stare, rest a while
With hands upon my knees
Through jaded leaves, bush and scrub
I spy my journeys end
Black it looms, silent gloom
The castle called Avend
On I trot, past forest eyes
Past horrors of the night
Through the dark, I see a sign
A gentle glowing light
Upon reaching the castle I ascend the ivy
Towards the golden window
My heart pounds my breath is rushed
As I fight both brick and branch
The ledge is mine and over I sweep
Silent like the falling snow
Quiet, I slip across the polished floor
Tonight, I will dine with chance
The Blue Lotus, a legend, I thought a myth
Old poems and stories gone
A beauty of unimaginable lust
Both men's hearts, and Gods, were won
Skin like milk, an angels face
Thay say her smile could kill
Her hair the blackest of all black
Stories I thought Though, still
So there she lay spleeping upon the bed
Half covered by fantastic silks
Her breast I see, moves with her dreams
A sight I will always recall
A single candle that showed me the way
Through forest, river and hills
Glows upon that lovely skin
Shadows dancing aroun the walls
Closer I creep, toward my prize
The Blue Lotus lies before me
Her lips are full, red as blood
Moist as they invite me
Stoop I did to kiss those lips
In that glowing room
When suddenly, she did awake,
Her eyes filled with doom
From silks, her hands were round my neck
Escape there was no hope
A brief flash of teeth is all I saw
And gone was my throat
Her bloodlust deep, she swallowed me
Red was all I saw
She drank her fill and watched me fall
Gently to the floor
A league away my death is found
By locals who tens this land
Who lay me down in shllow earth
A single Lotus placed in my hand
Under the darkened, Ancient oak
Gentle in the nights breeze
I stop and stare, rest a while
With hands upon my knees
Through jaded leaves, bush and scrub
I spy my journeys end
Black it looms, silent gloom
The castle called Avend
On I trot, past forest eyes
Past horrors of the night
Through the dark, I see a sign
A gentle glowing light
Upon reaching the castle I ascend the ivy
Towards the golden window
My heart pounds my breath is rushed
As I fight both brick and branch
The ledge is mine and over I sweep
Silent like the falling snow
Quiet, I slip across the polished floor
Tonight, I will dine with chance
The Blue Lotus, a legend, I thought a myth
Old poems and stories gone
A beauty of unimaginable lust
Both men's hearts, and Gods, were won
Skin like milk, an angels face
Thay say her smile could kill
Her hair the blackest of all black
Stories I thought Though, still
So there she lay spleeping upon the bed
Half covered by fantastic silks
Her breast I see, moves with her dreams
A sight I will always recall
A single candle that showed me the way
Through forest, river and hills
Glows upon that lovely skin
Shadows dancing aroun the walls
Closer I creep, toward my prize
The Blue Lotus lies before me
Her lips are full, red as blood
Moist as they invite me
Stoop I did to kiss those lips
In that glowing room
When suddenly, she did awake,
Her eyes filled with doom
From silks, her hands were round my neck
Escape there was no hope
A brief flash of teeth is all I saw
And gone was my throat
Her bloodlust deep, she swallowed me
Red was all I saw
She drank her fill and watched me fall
Gently to the floor
A league away my death is found
By locals who tens this land
Who lay me down in shllow earth
A single Lotus placed in my hand
Os recomiendo encarecidamente estas dos canciones...sobre todo la primera. Si os gusta (no hagáis mucho caso a los gritos al principio de "The Wreckage of my flesh"), creo que os gustará mucho el doom. En cualquier caso, las letras de MDB me encantan porque son muy muy poéticas. Aaron es un gran escritor (así como un genial cantante; emotivo. Transmite tristeza, pena, dolor...).
La última canción es muy distinta a las demás. No la letra en sí, que es muy doom, sino la música: es todo con violines, y leída tipo poema, no tipo canción. Es "For my fallen angel", de su cd "Like gods of the sun". Es preciosa, simple y llanamente. Os gustará a cualquiera, aunque no os guste el metal siquiera.
"For my fallen angel" by My Dying Bride
As I draw up my breath,
And silver fills my eyes.
I kiss her still,
For she will never rise.
On my weak body,
Lays her dying hand.
Through those meadows of Heaven,
Where we ran.
Like a thief in the night,
The wind blows so light.
It wars with my tears,
That won't dry for many years.
"Loves golden arrow
At her should have fled,
And not Deaths ebon dart
To strike her dead."
¡Bellamente triste! Preciosa...preciosa...increíblemente poética.
Cuando vuelva de cenar, escribiré otro canto, en el que incluiré unos pocos haikus que he incluído en el trabajo que estoy haciendo. Hasta entonces, I kiss her still, for she will never rise.
Est sularis oth mithas
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