jueves, octubre 13, 2005

Chant IV: Tired

Escrito el 29 de Mayo a las 14:01

Sin mucho preámbulo os dejo la letra de Tired, de Dream Evil, que puede resumir más o menos lo que puedo sentir ahora...probablemente a todos os parezca que todas estas entradas son tristes o deprimentes, casi seguro porque no hay emoticones (quiero entrenar la escritura sin ese tipo de apoyo), pero en realidad como me siento es...cansado. Si podeis pillar la canción cogedla, y si cogeis el CD, The Book of Heavy Metal, mejor que mejor. Ahí va:

We all once in a while
wonder where our lives
taking us and where we're going
I've reached a certain point
Realized I don't
know what the hell I am doing

Am I born to walk alone
Through the fire and the storm
pushing myself to the limit
Was it meant to be this way
spending my days, all on my own

I'm still the man I used to be
just slightly matured and wise
I lately have realized!

I don't want to be alone anymore
I want someone by my side
Someone to give me unconditional love
Of this life I am so tired

I want to be alive
Want to have a life - different than how I am living
don't want to settle down
Want to be around
When and where ever I'm needed

Am I born to walk alone
Through the fire and the storm
I can't control what I'm feeling
if I walk against the wind
Torn up within will it pay off

So tired - of fighting battles on my own
So tired - I've worked fingers to the bone
So tired -Of being a loner alone!

I don't want to be alone anymore
I want someone by my side
Someone who give me unconditional love
Of this life I am so tired

Est sularis oth mithas

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